Alas, with an early onset of winter, the wind and ice have proven too strong, and the Stewarding Team has made the sad decision to cancel Cold War 2024.

We thank everyone who pledged to take part in the campaign and we apologise for any disappointment. The Stewarding Team will be in touch with everyone who submitted a booking about return of funds.

Ælfred se leof, Steward

Friday 28 June – Sunday 30 June 2024

Kum Ba Yah Girl Guides Camp, 333 Mount Keira Road, Mt Keira, New South Wales

A chill wind blows over the escarpment, carrying with it the clash of metal and the cries of battle. Cold War is here . . .

Join old friends and new for a weekend of comradery, fighting and fun in the beautiful Shire of Adora.

Event Pricing

Member PricesAdultChild (8-17)Family
Whole event – camping$120$65$305
Whole event – dorms$140$85$345
Single day$30$15$75
Feast only$40$20$100
  • Children under eight years free.
  • Families consist of two adults plus two non-adult dependents.
  • Non-members add $10 per adult and $5 per child under 18.


Timetable subject to change.

Friday 28 June4:00pmSite opens
6:00pmSoup kitchen
Saturday 29 June7:00amBreakfast
8:30amArmour inspections
1:00pmWar continues
3:00pmRapier melee (until dark)
5:30pmChildren’s Feast
Sunday 30 June7:00amBreakfast
9:00amWar tourney
2:00pmSite closes

Bookings and Contact

Bookings are required by 23 June 2024. We prefer payments made by EFT by this date but contact the booking officer if alternate arrangements need to be made.

Bookings may be made to Adora’s Bookings Officer at:

Participants are reminded that if they are unwell or showing cold or flu-like symptoms, they must not attend.

Cancellation Policy. If you find you cannot attend the event, please let us know as soon as possible before the event date. Refunds will be given at any time in cases of emergency, injury, sickness or Covid-like symptoms. For any other reason, a refund will be arranged if you let us know by the booking date.

For all other enquiries, contact the Steward, THL Ælfred se leof,