As we emerge from the pestilence it is once more a time to dance and be merry. The Shire of Adora, knowne for its hospitality and happieness of feet, warmly welcomes our friends to Bal d’Argent in 2022! A Tournie of the finest sort will be held with combatants from all our neighbours encouraged to attend and pit their skill against that of His Majestie. There will be an exciting evening of dancing and good companie, following a day of dance practices for those who wish to brush up on their dance skills, hosted by the eloquente of dancying teachers and most skilfule of musicians.

Date: Saturday 15th October 2022
Location: Russell Vale Community Hall, 36A Keerong Ave, Russell Vale 2517 NSW Australia
To make a booking please use the Bal d’Argent Booking Form. When making a booking, please advise your contact email address, if you will be a current SCA member, your SCA membership number (if applicable), legal name for receipt issue, SCA name (if applicable), and any dietary requirements.
Bookings are required and all payments must be made by EFT before 7th October 2022. Upon receipt of your booking request, we will send the details to make an EFT payment. If you find you cannot attend the event, please let us know as soon as possible before the event date. Refunds will be given at any time in cases of emergency, injury, sickness or Covid-like symptoms. For any other reason, a refund will be arranged if you let us know by 7th October.
Prices (for SCA Members)*:
Adults – $30
Child 10 to 17 years – $15
Child < 10 years – Free
*If you are not an SCA Member, or do not provide proof of SCA Membership at the event (e.g. membership card or payment receipt), it is a requirement to pay Event Insurance of $10 for Adults (>=18 years) or $5 for Children (<18 years) in addition to the above prices.
Draft Timetable:
Dancing Competitions during evening: Guild of Silver Rondel Bal d’Argent Announcement
Dancing for the Ball: First set starts 5.00 pm
Sign In: Site and Hall opens at 11.00am for sign in.
Tourney: Fighting set to start 11.30am. Inspections from after sign in time!
Guild of Silver Rondel Meeting: Starting at 12.15 pm in undercover courtyard.
Rondel & General Dance Practices: Rondel practice starts 11.00am, general after Rondel Meeting
Royal Court: Court is expected during the evening.