Flame Tree Ball XXII
Date: Saturday 21st May 2022 Location: Bulli Masonic Hall 286 Princes Highway Bulli 2516 NSW Australia Times: Sign-in from 4.30pm, Dancing starts at 5.00pm There will be dance classes on the day from 3pm to 4.30pm.
To make a booking or to ask about information which is not on this page please contact the Bookings Officer for Flame Tree on adorabookings@gmail.com. If making a booking, please advise if you will be a current SCA member, your SCA membership number (if applicable), legal name for receipt issue, SCA name (if applicable), and any dietary requirements.
Bookings are required by the Sat 14th May 2022. We prefer payments made by EFT by this date but contact the booking officers if alternate arrangements need to be made. Upon receipt of your booking request, we will send the details to make EFT payment. Late bookings may be made, but payment information must be shown for attendance.
If you find you cannot attend the event, please let us know as soon as possible before the event date. Refunds will be given at any time in cases of emergency, injury, sickness or Covid-like symptoms. For any other reason, a refund will be arranged if you let us know by the booking date. Participants are reminded that they must be vaccinated, and if they are unwell or showing cold or flu-like symptoms, they must not attend.
Prices: Adults – $30 Child 10 to 17 years – $15 Child < 10 years – Free
If you are not an SCA Member, or do not provide proof of SCA Membership at the event (e.g. membership card or payment receipt), it is a requirement to pay Event Insurance of $10 for Adults (>=18 years) or $5 for Children (<18 years) in addition to the above prices.
Flame Tree Ball XXIV Tournament
A heavier or rapier tournament is still under consideration. Please contact the steward if you are available to marshal via the webform at: https://adora.lochac.sca.org/contactsofficersevents. If a tournament occurs, as in previous years, the fighting will be run in the grounds of the hall while dance classes are being conducted inside the hall. In the event of inclement weather, it will still be possible to learn dances instead.
Note that this page is a permanent place holder for the Flame Tree Ball and will hold either the most recently held or upcoming details for the next Flame Tree Ball to be held. Prior events are moved to a separate page when the details for the next Flame Tree Ball are entered onto this page. For information on the 2019 Flame Tree Ball please visit Flame Tree Ball in 2019 . For information on the 2018 Flame Tree Ball please visit Flame Tree Ball in 2018 . For information on the 2017 Flame Tree Ball please visit Flame Tree Ball in 2017 . For information on the 2016 Flame Tree Ball please visit Flame Tree Ball in 2016 .